Peter Rostovsky: News

I’m honored that I and “Damnation Diaries” are nominated for the prestigious Mike Wieringo Comic Book Industry Award in the Best Artist category.

“Damnation Diaries” was reviewed by Noah Fischer for Hyperallergic’s list of 12 graphic novels to read this spring. Read the article HERE.

I spoke in-depth with Anthony Andujar Jr. about “Damnation Diaries” in The Fanboy Factor. Read the interview HERE.

I spoke to David Levine about “Damnation Diaries” in BOMB Magazine, and we tried a unique, creative approach to the familiar interview format—one that compliments the book. Many thanks to both David and BOMB for pushing this experiment. Read it HERE.

I’m honored and grateful that “Damnation Diaries” is on New York Public Library’s 2023 list of Best Comics for Adults. You can find the list and link HERE.

I’ll be co-moderating a panel featuring some of NYC’s most accomplished cartoonists at Greenlight Bookstore on January 17th. Find out about it HERE.

I had the pleasure of talking with The Workprint’s Mary Fan on “Damnation Diaries” and political satire at this year’s New York Comic Con. Read it HERE.

I’ll be a guest at Artist Alley in the inaugural iteration of JewCE, November 11th-12th, NYC.

I’m grateful for this thoughtful and generous review of “Damnation Diaries” by Hillary Chute in Artforum. You can read it HERE.

I had the honor and great pleasure to speak with Gil Roth about “Damnation Diaries” on his Virtual Memories podcast. Listen to it HERE.

Thankful for Karl Verhoven’s recommendation of “Damnation Diaries” in The Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide. Read it HERE.

I’ll be a Guest at Baltimore Comic Con, September 8-10, Booth 2606.

I’ll be participating in New York Comic Con, Artists Alley, table F-16, October 12-15.

I was honored to talk with Meg Lemke about “Damnation Diaries” on Publishers Weekly’s “More to Come” podcast. Click HERE to listen.

I’m excited to announce that “Damnation Diaries” won an Award of Excellence at the 2023 MoCCA Arts Festival. Read about it HERE.

I’m excited to announce that “Damnation Diaries” was given a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly. Read it HERE.

You can now pre-order my debut graphic novel, “Damnation Diaries,” due out with Uncivilized Books in May, 2023. You can pre-order via Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and soon through Uncivilized’s website.

I organized a panel discussion on comix, with Bishakh Som, Emil Ferris, Mark Thomas Gibson, and Dean Haspiel, as part of Lesley University’s MFA in Visual Art Program. You can now watch it HERE.

The Inside World—my collaboration with Jennifer McCoy, Kevin McCoy and Annie Howell premieres at Sundance Film Festival 2022. I acted as the art director and illustrator on this blockchain-based science fiction game and narrative.

I wrote a text on humor, memes and the blockchain for “Sensitivity Training,” a show curated by Olav Westphalen via the Goethe Institute, Sofia, accompanying the 25th edition of the Gabrovo Biennial of Humor and Satire in Art.

Read my essay on THE EUGENE Studio, whose exhibition opens at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo this year. Click HERE for the link.

“Pandemix: Quarantine Comics in the Age of 'Rona,” a benefit comics anthology edited by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, and featuring a contribution and cover by me, was nominated for the Ringo Award as year’s best anthology. See Bleeding Cool’s take on it HERE.

Read my review of Pieter Schoolwerth at Petzel Gallery. Click HERE for the link.

My essay “The Gold Standard” is now part of a fantastic collection: Bending Concepts: The Held Essays on Visual Art. As a meditation on value, and in the context of Cattelan’s #bananagate, it might be worth (re)visiting.

Read the new review of Kim Tschang-Yeul at Tina Kim in Frieze. Click HERE for the link.

The New York Times features my contribution to “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force: New Party Who Dis?.” Click HERE for the article.